Our Community » PTA & Volunteering

PTA & Volunteering

The Roosevelt Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a parent-driven non-profit organization that provides a vital link between the school and families. The PTA plays an intricate role in the dynamics of the Roosevelt school community. A primary goal is to provide a friendly, inclusive atmosphere at Roosevelt, representing all parents/guardians and teachers. This collaborative setting truly benefits all children of Roosevelt. Our slogan, which reflects this underlying spirit, is “We’re all in this together…Enhancing our kids’ education.” 
Learn More about the Roosevelt PTA, what we do, and how you can get involved!
Join the PTA today so your voice is heard!
To get involved, simply visit our MemberHub site, login and select "Join Open Hubs". Or click for a direct link to a list of Open Hubs where you can add yourself to the ones you would like.  Afterward, the chair of the committee will reach out to that team when a need arises.  Thank you in advance for volunteering your time and energy for our wonderful school community.