Academics » Student Rules & Expectations

Student Rules & Expectations

All students at Roosevelt School are expected to:

Caring Majority Student Pledge


As a student at Roosevelt School, I embrace the "Caring Majority" model. I can best learn in an environment that has diversity, fairness, trust, understanding, and respect. I believe in standing up for myself and others in what is right while respecting other people's ideas and actions.


As a student at Roosevelt School:

  • I will support the learning of all students and always try to do my best.
  • I will speak politely.
  • I will respect others and myself.
  • I will respect school and personal property.
  • I will follow the rules to be safe while at school.

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior

Students are taught the conflict resolution process and are encouraged to initiate it on their own when having a problem with a peer. Adults will help with conflict resolution as appropriate.

Minor infractions will be determined and handled by the classroom teacher. Examples of consequences associated with minor infractions may include the following:
  • Time out
  • Phone call / letter to parents
  • Benched at recess
  • Parent conference
  • Remain inside building under direct adult supervision
The Principal or his designee will handle major infractions. The categories of severe misbehavior listed below will result in the student being sent immediately to the office. A suspension from the classroom and / or the school may result.
  • Physically dangerous behavior: fighting, assault, intimidation.
  • Illegal acts: stealing, damaging property, etc.
  • Insubordinate behavior: defiance of any rightful authority, and / or disrespect.
  • Insubordinate behavior is defined as the direct and immediate refusal to comply with a reasonable staff instruction within a specified time period.

The “Tribes” Program


Roosevelt is a "Tribes" school. “Tribes” is not a curriculum, not a program or list of activities. It is a "process"- a way to establish a positive culture for learning and human development throughout a school community. Teachers have received on-going training to create a safe and caring environment where everyone is respected for their individual differences. Students learn to become responsible for themselves and each other through Tribes activities.


Caring Majority Parent Pledge


As a parent of a student at Roosevelt School:

  • I will help my child comply with the student pledge.
  • I will follow up on teacher recommendations regarding minor and major infractions.
  • I will ensure that my child is only on campus during supervised hours before and after school, including no earlier than 8:20 am for early birds, and 9:30 am for late birds (no late bird supervision is provided for students; they should remain outside until the 9:30 bell), and no later than 2:10 pm and 3:10 pm, respectively, for early and late bird pick-ups.
  • I will support and enforce the dress code.
  • I will help create a strong home/school partnership.

Student Safety



  • Never leave school grounds without adult supervision.
  • Immediately report any strangers on campus to teachers or staff.
  • Always walk to and from class.

Recess and Lunch

  • All food (including snacks at recess) should be eaten while seated.
  • Students are only allowed in the hallways and classrooms under adult supervision.
  • Students must be visible to playground supervisors at all times.
  • Playing in bathrooms, hallways, or other unsupervised areas is prohibited.
  • Leave gum, suckers, and hard candy at home.
  • Slide down the slides. They are not made to walk up or play tag on.
  • No tennis balls allowed.
  • If a ball leaves the schoolyard, students must ask permission from a teacher or adult on yard duty to retrieve it.
  • Throw litter in the garbage cans and recycling bins.
  • No rough play. Follow the "hands off" policy.
  • Stay off fences and trees.
  • When the bell rings, line up with your class and enter the building in an orderly fashion.

Heron Hall


For assemblies students are expected to:

  • Sit in designated area with classroom teacher.
  • Sit up straight, face the front, keep hands to themselves, and talk only when appropriate.


  • Bikes must be walked on campus and locked to the rack at the Broadway entrance.
  • Wear helmets. It is the law.
  • Bike racks are off limits during the school day.




  • Students are to arrive at school on time and should be picked up promptly.
  • Students are expected to go home directly after school and return only if accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Students are to be on the playground during recess unless they are with a teacher in the classroom, library, or computer lab.
  • Dogs are not allowed on school grounds.

Prohibited Items

  • Pocketknives, matches, sharp objects, and other dangerous items are not allowed.
  • Personal equipment such as cell phones, video games, trading cards, toys, etc. should be left home unless these items are to be used in a classroom activity under teacher supervision. Roosevelt School is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Roller blades, skateboards, skate shoes, razors, and scooters are not allowed.
  • Hard baseballs, tennis balls, golf balls, small bouncing balls, etc.
  • Non-dangerous items taken away from students by faculty may be reclaimed at the end of the day.

Dress Code


At Roosevelt, we take pride in our image and in the positive learning environment we offer. Students are expected to dress in a way that shows personal pride and which acknowledges that school is a place to work and learn. There is a strong relationship between neat, appropriate attire and a positive learning environment.


Dress Guidelines


The following guidelines are considered standards at Roosevelt Elementary School and reflect a concern for a child's comfort, safety, cleanliness, and sense of modesty.

  • Footwear is required and must be safe and appropriate for indoor and outdoor activities.
  • Head apparel, except for religious or medical reasons, must not be worn inside the school building.
  • Short shorts and tank tops are for play, not school.
  • Clothing accessories may not display offensive, vulgar language or images and must not advertise drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, or violence.
The school administration reserves the right to determine whether a student's attire is within the limits of decency and modesty. The principal may allow exceptions for school-wide programs or special classroom activities.


Miscellaneous Issues



On-site childcare at Roosevelt is offered through Childrens’ Creative Learning Center (CCLC).

  • Hours are provided from 7 am to 6 pm. 
  • The phone number is 650-343-5500.


  • It is important that children be in school on time every day. Children arriving after the bell must report to the office to get a tardy slip.
  • Parents who know their child will be late should call the office at 259-3890 to avoid their child being marked absent.


  • Parents should notify the school office by telephone (259-3890) when their child will be absent. This saves our secretary having to call to verify the absence. Notes to both the teacher and the office are necessary if you are unable to call. Please provide the following information:
  • Name of student and name of his/her teacher.
  • Nature of absence (illness, trip, etc.) and estimated length of absence.
  • Requests for homework are recommended for absences longer than three days, or after the third day of an illness. Please arrange with teachers before a known absence or call in the morning for assignments when absences are unplanned.
  • Please try to plan family vacations around the school break calendar as absences cost the school needed revenue and students miss important instruction.

Early Dismissal Requests

For children needing to be dismissed early, a note to his/her teacher is required. This note will be forwarded to the office. Parents should come to the office. We will call the classroom and have children come to the office. Parents must sign children out before leaving school and upon their return.



No student should be sent to school too sick to function all day in the classroom. Never send a child who has a fever. There is no school nurse. Our school secretary will attend to all sick children. Students who become sick at school will be sent home after proper notification. If a child must be excused from physical education three or more school days, please submit a doctor’s note to the school secretary.


Communicable Diseases

  • When a child contacts a communicable disease, a letter sent will be sent home with all classroom students. It will include a list of symptoms to watch for, incubation period and treatment period. Pregnant women in contact with said students should phone their physician for advice.
  • If your child contracts a communicable disease, please inform the school. Communicable diseases include strep throat, measles, fifth’s disease (slap cheek), ringworm, german measles, chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough, conjunctivitis (pink eye), impetigo and head and/or body lice.


Medication should not be brought to school.  If a student requires medication at school, the medication must be stored and administered only in the school office.  Written parental consent and detailed instructions are required. For convenience, a district form is available in the office for parent's use. In some cases, a doctor's authorization is required.


Classroom Visitations

Parents and other visitors are always welcome at Roosevelt. All visitors are required to sign in at the office and wear a visitor badge before going to any classrooms during the school day. Parents wishing to observe the instructional programs may make an appointment for a classroom visitation by calling the teacher.                           

Phone Use by Students

Students are permitted to use the phone in the main office in an emergency or when given permission in writing by a teacher.   All arrangements for after-school activities should be made before coming to school in the morning. Please do not bring cell phones to school.


Lost and Found

All children's clothing, lunch boxes, etc., should be clearly labeled with the child's first and last name. Anything left outside the regular classroom is taken to the lost and found rack located in Heron Hall. All lost and found items are given to charity monthly. Students and parents should check periodically for lost items.


Field Trip Driving

Throughout the school year, parents are invited to drive students during field trips. School field trip drivers must sign a district release form and fill out proof of insurance paperwork each academic year. Please see the school secretary to complete necessary forms.